Let us thank George Bush,

for uniting the country. NEVER, has there been such an interest in voting. And the reason? CHANGE!!! We have seen Bush, and everyone wants CHANGE! Thanks George, you made a bunch of people politically active. We want CHANGE. and it's all because of you, George. You da man...


Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, many believe that change will come in the form of Republican, John McCain, who like other war mongers, feel our occupation in Iraq should be required for "100 years, if necessary". Yes, let's destroy, maim and, continue to pour billions of dollars into a country which thrives on hatred. Let's continue to send young men and women to their death; return their mangled bodies and minds back to the United States where they will live out the rest of their lives in wheel chairs and in military hospitals getting half-assed care, on pitiful government benefits. Let's continue the Republican way of giving to the rich and taking from the middle class and poor. Let's continue to borrow from China's coffers to pay our national debt. We'll also continue to get kickbacks from our friendly lobbists up on Capitol Hill; our "highways to nowhere"; our cutbacks on Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. Let us continue the Republican way, yes sir, Democracy be damned, we don't need it anyway...we found out it worked just fine under the Bush/Cheney administration, didn't we?
Let us continue to bury our collective heads in the sand and wait another 4years of Republican rule. I can absolutely assure every middle class American, he or she will not have a pot to pee in following another Republican administration. Count on it!
Fam Guy said…
Now that's what I call a 'comment'.

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