Other 'strange' coincidences

The attack (on the Pentagon) was at 9:40, about one and a half hours after the attack first started to unfold. Yet the Pentagon was left undefended, despite its close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base, which had two combat-ready fighter wings on duty on 9/11/01.
The attack plane approached Washington DC from the northwest, but instead of diving into the portions of the Pentagon housing the top brass like Donald Rumsfeld, the plane executed a 320-degree spiral dive to approach the vast building from the southwest side and strike a portion of Wedge One that was undergoing renovations. While crashing into other portions of the Pentagon would likely have killed thousands, the precision maneuver limited fatalities in the building to under 200.
Think about it. Look at the flight of the plane that hit the Pentagon. Over an hour after 2 planes hit the WTC. First of all, it could have easily been shot down, knowing what they knew. BUT, most obviously, why would an 'inexperienced' pilot make a 320 degree maneuver to hit the uoccupied portion of the Pentagon???


This article, if you feel like reading about it, documents how the flight training school, in FL, used by the hijackers, had major connections to the CIA. Well documented, if you 'Google' various aspects of the article, which is the best way to prove it, rather than taking my, or the author's, word for it.
Also, while you're Googling, type in, '911 atta passport found', and see how the the supposed suicide pilot's passport was 'FOUND', near the WTC ruins, undamaged, unsinged, after the fireball destroyed everything else. Pretty amazing, huh? Things starting to 'click' for ya?


Anonymous said…
Keep 'em coming Stevo....

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