I Hate Qwest!!!

And I'm going to dump them as soon as I can get Comcast out to hook up my new service. Should be Sept 27th. Could do a long rant, but, bottom line, have tried to get faster internet service for a LONG time, and was promised it, but it never arrived, even though I was CHARGED for it. They admitted their mistake, but said they couldn't rectify it. Bottom line, they are toast. I lost internet access for a day and a half (that's TOUGH, for someone like me), but now have bundled phone service, long distance, hi-speed internet and HD-TV with one company who can't possibly be as bad as Qwest. ( I HOPE!). Will let you know. But I do know, that if I had access to cruise missles, Qwest HQ would no longer be there...


Anonymous said…
So, let me ask you a question Stevo....say your server goes out, which means your phone services goes out, as well, what cha gonna do now that you have the "bundle"? The same service applies with Buckeye, here in Toledo, but when Buckeye goes down, so goes the phone service. It sucks. That's why we don't have the bundle. Just a thought. Others here have had the bundle and been very unhappy. Hope yours is better.
Fam Guy said…
I guess that could happen, but I do have a cell phone...

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