There was a time,

when I thought the worst thing that George W Bush had done to my country, was the war in Iraq, close behind his Big Oil policy, that are inter-related. Bottom line, his Texas buddies get rich as US taxpayers and workers are bankrupted in a one-two punch. BUT, I think he has hurt us, long term, just as badly, in his "No Child Left Behind" debacle. In an effort to control federal money to those school districts his admininstration approves of, he has 'dumbed down' the entire US school system. Instead of rewarding the highest level of intelligence, he has linked education dollars to those who can pass those borderline students ahead. Of all his boneheaded policies, this probably has the worst long-term effect for our country/economy. While other countries reward the best of their youth, we drag along our lowest common denominator. Like I said, he has KILLED our country in many ways, but I think this is the WORST long term legacy that this totally incompetent, idiot has wreaked upon us. God help us, to recover from this disaster, in the name of George W Bush....


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