By MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN Associated Press Writer
12:31 PM EDT, August 9, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Former President Ford secretly advised the FBI that he and two of his fellow members on the Warren Commission doubted the FBI's conclusion that John F. Kennedy was shot from the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository in Dallas, according to newly released records from Ford's FBI files.
Forty-some years later, we hear Gerald Ford, and two other members of the Warren Commission weren't 'on board' with the official lie, put out by the gov't. Most people, those with a brain, anyway, knew this LONG ago. However, there is a segment of society, out there, that believes, 'if the gov't said it, it is true". These are the same sheep that are Bush fans. Nothing new here, but I just wonder why the gov't finally admitted Ford and two other members didn't go along with the big lie. Interesting, that it just came out now...


Anonymous said…
This segment of society you speak of,which believe what the govt. says is the truth and always the truth are called republicans. You can identify them by their blank stare. They usually respond to questions with, "Huh?" Or "I didn't understand the question." Unfortunately, this cult can't help themselves; they were programmed from early childhood to believe that free thinkers were pawns of the Devil; Liberals were Communists; and if you didn't give 100%to God and country, you were going to hell in a handbasket.
Sad to say, Conservatives are here to stay.

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