Also, does anyone know?

if there's a way for whatever is playing on your ipod, to show up somewhere on your tv screen, when you are listening to music, but have something on the big screen, so you don't have to keep getting up to see what song is on, that you REALLY like, which is a LOT of them, since I had Nate and Ted stock my Ipod, plus I've put a lot on that I've never heard. If it's not an app, or something like that, one of you computer geniuses ought to figure out a way to do it. Could be in the corner, small, visible all the time, or larger, and operated by remote. That should pay for some vacations you, if marketed right, and maybe you'd give me one.... Probably already available, though?


lady j's husband said…
You need to have a T.V. with picture in a picture. You can then hook up the i-pod to the second tuner and watch regular T.V. on the main tuner.
Fam Guy said…
Yeah. That would work. Thanks. Will try it and let you know.
Fam Guy said…
Just realized, I could do this, but I don't like tying up the only other channel, if you're watching/recording. Anything else?
ladyj said…
after Den picked himself off the floor from laughing, his comment was thus; guess you'll just have to sacrifice one or the other for the joy of the i-pod. You can't do everything at once. The only other choice is to get a second T.V.
Fam Guy said…
I will try it. Has anyone done this?

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