Some how I missed out,

on that Nebraka gene, that makes you believe, whatever the Repub Party says, no matter how outrageous the lie. Not sure how it happened, BUT, I know I am a minority. Somehow, that part of the world doesn't need facts. If the Repubs say it, it is truth. Wow! Must be easier than actually having to think. They are the fiscally responsible party, that took the largest surplus, ever, and ran it into the largest debt, since WWII. They are the 'friends of business' that bankrupted most of the large Wall Street firms, and gave us the worst recession of the last 80 years. They are the military geniuses, who started a pre-emptive war, killing hundreds of thousands, on 'oops, bad intelligence' and turned a huge majority of the world against us, while running our military into the ground, and leaving us a trillion dollar bill. They hand out $760 billion in TARP money to their banker buddies, then scream about a stimulus package for main street, that they just put out of business. They are the ones who put two 'Big Oil' men in the White House, and the rubes think it is a 'coincidence' the price of oil goes up over 5-fold. They think they are the 'smart' party, though the top ten education/income states are ALL blue. Bottom ten, ALL red. They fight much needed health care reform, because it would be a victory for Obama. They get their news from a network run by their party, and call it 'Fair and Balanced'. What kind of mind does it take to believe that crap? Scary....


ladyj said…
Do I hear an Amen? Or at least, I hear ya' brother!
When the mindset of the Capitol, meaning, Congress, is bought and paid for by Lobbyists and Special Interest, what do you expect? And I'm exposing both sides of the aisle. When you have a Congress living the high life, knowing nothing about the lives of the people they represent, what the blazes do you expect? Let us not forget George HW Bush didn't know what a "bar code" was! Government never fails to amaze me, nor do the idiots who keep walking in that same tight little circle, never altering their course, never listening to any other voice, never entertaining the possibility that there might be a better way than that same old tight circle and a clearer voice than that same old tired rhetorical voice. Wise men change their minds, Fools never do.

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