IF, it was true,

that the Repubs were the financially responsible party, and 'the business party', I would be a Repub. In fact, I am a registered Repub. BUT, it doesn't take much sense, to see that they are all talk, no action. GHW Bush nearly bankrupted the system, with the S&L crisis, led by his son, Neil, who sacked Silverado, in Denver. Then, Clinton took over, and handed GW Bush, the largest surplus in history. W turned it into the largest deficit, in history. A coincidence? Duh... What you smokin'? The Repubs say one thing, and do the total opposite, and the FOX crowd falls for it. Now, Obama is trying to fix their last disaster, and is getting all kinds of crap, cause he can't turn it around, over night. Give me a break. Look at what's real. Never mind. Look to FOX, they'll tell you what to think. What a bunch of losers...


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