If there's a heaven,

I'd like to think it would be a place where you could go back, in your life, and redo those moments where you had hurt the feelings of a friend or loved one with a thoughtless action or remark. Now THAT would be heaven.


ladyj said…
yes...and I'm waiting!
Anonymous said…
What a great thought for the day
ladyj said…
I do believe it's called "life review" and it occurs following your death. You go through this proceedure with your Spirit Guide. Every individual you've come in contact on this Earthplane, you will feel every emotion positive &/or negative that your presence with this individual had. If you hurt this person, you will feel that hurt. If you brought joy into someone's life, you will feel that joy, etc. That is what some spiritualists believe Judgement will be. I think it is a fine thought. Afterall, this is our earthschool, isn't it? Some believe we reincarnate to grow and to make amends for the mistakes we made in our past life. Life lessons, you might call them.

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