Those deficit watchdogs,

who wouldn't touch the subsidies to big oil, the (temporary) tax break for multi-miilionaires, and multibillion dollar giveaways to an ethanol industry that consumes more energy than it produces, have found a place to swing their budget axe. At hungry pre-schoolers and victims of world-wide disasters. No shit. You can't make this stuff up.

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are targeting domestic nutrition programs and international food assistance as they try to control spending in next year's budget.In a bill released Monday, Republicans proposed cutting $832 million – or 12 percent – from this year's budget for the federal nutrition program that provides food for low-income mothers and children. The 2012 budget proposal for food programs also includes a decrease of almost $457 million, or 31 percent, from an international food assistance program that provides emergency aid and agricultural development dollars to poor countries after natural disasters.

Wow. Just when you think these hypocrites can't get any worse....


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