Good news,

for the media industry, as Keith Olberman returns to 'even the playing field', a bit, against the continual propaganda that FOX spews like an overflowing toilet. Should be interesting, as he calls out the right wing, for their obvious hypocrisy, as they finally get a fiscal conscience, after bankrupting the country. With the new network, Keith won't have to 'hold back', like he did before.


ladyj said…
Where's he parking his mike?
Fam Guy said…
New network called Current TV.
Anonymous said…
and what will he be doing there? The same as he did at MSNBC?
Fam Guy said…
I would imagine. He kept the same name. Even though he's a little 'too much', I just hope he irritates the right wing sheep, like the FOXNews clowns irritate me.
ladyj said…
yes, you can be irritable. Although, the Big O does rattle FOX and evidently you.
Fam Guy said…
After watching him, I think he's gotten a lot better and I enjoy him. He's 'right on' most of the time.

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