Michelle Bachmann probably has 'double the IQ",

of Sarah Palin, but that doesn't mean it's in triple digits. Given a chance to admit that she made a mistake when she stated that our 'Founding Fathers' worked tirelessly to end slavery, she doubled down and claimed John Quincy Adams, who was a young child at the time, was against slavery, so she was/is right. Wow. I guess Paul Revere warned the British, with his bells, as the founding fathers were fighting to free their slaves. AND, I heard that she was using "American Girl' as a theme song, until Tom Petty heard about it and said, 'NO WAY'. Sarah and Michelle, the Repub brain trust...


ladyj said…
Slavery was introduced nearly 2 certuries before the Founders. I was the Founders who contributed greatly to the attitude against slavery. Infact, Thomas Jefferson gave as one of the reasons for the separations from Great Britain the desire to rid America of the "evil of slavery imposed on America by the British".
Based on the efforts of some of The Founding Fathers, Pa. and Ma. abolished slavery in 1792; Conn. & Rhode Island in 1784: New Hamp in 1792; Vermont in 1795; New York in 1799 and New Jersey in 1804.
John Adams stated in 1801, "Never in my life did I own a slave."
So indeed our Founding Fathers made direct inroads on the issue of slavery, Steven.
Fam Guy said…
What? You're insinuating I should admit I'm wrong?
ladyj said…
If the shoe fits............
Fam Guy said…
I'm standing by it. IT was a stupid thing to say and undefensible. Just cuz a couple of guys mentioned it, doesn't mean they fought it. Nearly ALL the founding fathers had slaves and it didn't become an issue for a long time.
ladyj said…
16 of the Founding Fathers were Slave holders and 7 were not. However, of the northern states anti-slavery was the message.
Samuel and John Adams were not slave owners.
ladyj said…
John Adams was most certainly a Founding Father and helped in writing the Declaration of Independence. He was also President of the United States and father to John Quincy Adams! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
Fam Guy said…
Whaat are you smoking? John Adams was 8 years old when the Dec of Ind was written.
ladyj said…
you stubborn idiot: John Adams was born Oct. 30, 1735 and died July 4th 1826.
His son John Quincy Adams was born July 11 1767 and died Feb. 23 1848. The Declaration of Independence was drafted June 11 thru June 22 1776 and signed July 4th 1776.
Now, do you understand? Two John Adams!!! One father, one son. The son was John QUINCY Adams, got it?
I've been saying that all along, you're just too damn high to understand!!!!!!!!!!
Fam Guy said…
I haven't been 'high' for many weeks, but it sounds like it might be a good idea, with people yelling at me.
Fam Guy said…
I do see a problem with getting my news on this from one source, Keith O, who actually said John Quin Z y Adams, (not Quincy), as he reported it. My mistake was in believing that JQ Adams was the first one, but he wasn't. I was wrong about that, but I still stick with my original assertion. THe founding fathers didn't 'work tirelessly' to free slaves, although a few of them were anti-slavery. AND, I think Sarah and Michelle have a lot of FLAKE in them.
Fam Guy said…
In further defense of myself, I have actually been busy lately and don't have the time I once did to screw around here.
ladyj said…
John Q was nine when the Declaration was ratified or put into law (whatever). Maybe he was Expremely interested in government as Bachmann states, who knows...we weren't there.
As for you Stevo, if you're too damn busy these days to do this, then don't bother, I will go elsewhere. I seem to be the only one reading and replying anyway to your "Diary". Excuse me for bothering you.
Fam Guy said…
I imagine it will be like it always has been. I'll screw around here when I have the time and something to say. Whether anyone actually wants to read and/or comment is up to them. The primary purpose is and has always been as a diary. I did fall victim to what I rant against. Getting and believing news from a biased source. In his own way, Keith O is no better than FOX news.
ladyj said…
Watching you screw here is not my idea of fun. Reading interesting comments from you, now that is another thing, altogether.
Fam Guy said…
I just saw the original Bachmann speech, and she says John QUINCY Adams, and that's what stirred up the controversy. I let you steer me wrong, cuz I was busy. You women sure stick together.
Fam Guy said…
Lastly, I stand behind my statement that Sarah and Michelle are flakes, although that gives Kelloggs a bad name.

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