Most of us know,

that Sara Palin is an idiot, but if you had any doubt, just look at the video, today, as she answers, "Who was Paul Revere?' She starts out by saying 'he warned the British, about gun control', then she gets stupid... 
Run, Sarah, run. Please....


ladyj said…
That the British were coming to take our guns? Is that what she said? I don't think her son is the only one with Down's Syndrome. She's always worried about "gun control". Even way back in the 1700's Paul Revere was concerned enough to ride through the countryside crying out, "the British are coming to take your guns."
ladyj said…
So Sarah is still sticking with her initial story that Paul Revere was "playing both sides of the fence" telling the British Forces and the British living on this side "of the pond" that an invasion of British soldiers from England were here. Geez, what a mouthful! "I know my history," Sarah states in no uncertain terms. No bells were rung, but Revere evidently warned the British and the British.
ladyj said…
So now people are trying to alter Wikipedia to voice what Sarah Palin has to say about the ride of Paul Revere.....let us change history to suit Sarah? What is this society coming to? argh

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