You might expect

homophobic rants from the Christian right wing, cuz that's what they do, but to hear it from someone like Tracy Morgan is kind of a shock.

When talking about the possibility of his son being gay, Tracy said he "better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I'll pull out a knife and stab that little n**ger to death." Afterward, Tracy told the crowd, "I don't "f*cking care if I piss off some gays, because if they can take a f*cking d**k up their ass, they can take a f*cking joke."

May be a bit of 'workplace tension' in the future.


ladyj said…
"Someone like Tracy Morgan"..what does that mean? The only words spoken from Mr. Morgan's mouth have been inane and most of the time unintelligible. To put him in the category of a stand-up comedian is almost but hardly laughable.
A shaved gorilla could do as well as Tracy Morgan in most roles he plays on TV and movies and undoubtedly get more laughs.
When Tracy talks, he sounds like a child! And as a matter of fact, what's so funny about what Tracy said in the first place? Is it that he said the word Nigger or F'cking or d**k or ass? Or that his son might be gay? Rock Hudson didn't talk "gay", nor did Cary Grant,or Jim Nabors, Montgomery Cliff, James Dean...the list goes on and on.
ladyj said…
can't leave out Neil Patrick Harris, Chad Allen, Richard Chamberlain or Rupert Everett. Then there are many sports heroes, too.
Fam Guy said…
I don't like him either, never have, but wouldn't expect that kinda rant from a former SNL member, in 'the business'.
ladyj said…
the dumb ni**er did apologize to those he offended concerning using a knife on his son, if he were gay. The Gay and Lesbian League have asked him to take that "bit" out of his act. It really isn't funny and neither is Tracy Morgan.
What he was doing performing in Nashville is another question altogether.

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