Great quote,

tonight, about how the Repubs are trying to pin the bad economy on Obama, but the truth is, it's not about Clinton's famous line, "It's the economy, stupid, but rather, it's STUPID's economy', referring to GWBush. Perfect....


ladyj said…
Indeed! How quickly we forget.
This reminds me of Billy Joel's song lyric's
"We didn't start the fire
It's been always burning
Since the world's been turning"
Good song about our times. read the lyrics sometime and reflect.
Did you know that once apon a time there were 360 days in a year, and the earth was not tilted, however it did tilt which caused 5 more days in the year and more water to form at the poles? Just a ladyj ism
Fam Guy said…
Where did you find that 'fact', about the earth's axis? Didn't realize there were measurements at that time, BUT, there's no doubt who totally screwed the economy, and all of us who have to live with it.
ladyj said…
I read non fiction.

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