Is there a god,

 and if so, does he/she have a sense of humor? Well, here's some evidence. I googled 'percentage of qualified scientists who believe global warming is real', and consistently found numbers in the mid 90 percentile, BUT, the right wing, conservative Repubs, who reside mainly in Texas and deep south, continue to claim it's a hoax. SO, here's the humor thing. Texas is suffering thru it's worst heat wave and drought in many years, and this center of the lowest education/income in the US is baking. A sense of humor, or vindictiveness? Who knows.  I just know that the people who most vehemently deny the facts are suffering the most. Maybe there is justice in this world.... This was posted after reading one of FOX's lead articles accusing (a) scientist of scamming the evidence. Never mind the thousands who disagree, just publish what you want the (baked) sheep to believe. Rupert and Roger ARE consistent, if nothing else.


ladyj said…
He does have a tremendous sense of humor...afterall, He created you and New Jersey!

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