Serves me right, I guess,

for watching 'em even momentarily, this morning.  I, like many others I'm sure, recorded the final round of the British Open, cuz it was cold, rainy and windy and was very close, with a large pack at the top, and it started live, at 4 this morning. I was flipping thru the channels and stopped at FOX, in a moment of insanity, to hear the spin they put on the Rupert Murdoch scandal, and caught one of their blonde air heads, as she said, 'Spoiler alert, Darren Clarke has won the British Open.' She didn't pause a split second duing the entire sentence.  Serves me right, for even exposing myself to their swill, but I think it's gonna be funny to watch 'em twisting in the wind as their boss, head of the evil empire, eventually faces charges for extortion and corruption.


ladyj said…
But he's sorry, so sorry! He was wrong. The red-head has been arrested and the head of Scotland Yard has resigned, even though he states he had no knowledge of the hacking and the editor of the News that hacked the phones stated she had no knowledge of the hacking, although she had to approve the stories her paper printed, (my gawd, are we that stupid?).
Mr. Murdoch, why not go somewhere with Casey Anthony. The two of you would be very happy together, spinning yarns.

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