Amazing timing,

as I read the last part of the book and just read about the movie, on today's AOL, called 'The Tillman Story', and it's reviewed today on NBC Sports.
    (check out the video trailer, in the middle of the article, with highlights from the movie)
The review says, 'you'll be horrified by the story, but everyone should see it'. I know what he means, cuz the book has really bothered me. After his death, by fratricide, those involved told what happened and reports went 'up the food chain' til they reached the top and Rummy and the Bushies realized this would be disastrous PR, right before elections, so all the reports disappeared and soldiers were told to write different ones, including reasons for him to be given a Silver Star. Well, the final medal recommendation had NO signature on it, cuz they couldn't find anyone to affix their name to such a lie. The first time ever.... The Drs who did the autopsy on the body, after all his clothes, AND the journal he carried, were burned, (in direct violation of military law), wouldn't sign the autopsy, because of  the  lies. Another first.  The Ranger who presented the flag to Pat's family, Russell Baer, who was with him when he was killed, was forced to lie to them, and it bothered him so much he went AWOL and never returned. When the family FINALLY got an investigation going, Rumsfeld, who had initiated the cover-up, had all the e-mails mysteriously disappear,  used the 'I don't recall' defense over 80 times, when asked about the most famous soldier in the Army. When the military thinks they can get away with such whopping lies, when SO many know the truth, and they're dealing with someone so famous, it just shows their arrogance and philosophy, which is: If we don't like the truth, we will simply lie to cover it up, and it was never SO obvious, after Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch and the entire build up to the Iraq war. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would all be in jail, if there were any justice in government, but instead, they and their henchman are enjoying lavish retirements. Sickening, but so typical of the Bush years, which continue to bring our nation to it's knees.


Anonymous said…
Will you EVER get over picking on Bush?
Fam Guy said…
Maybe. If I ever see that my/our country recovers from the damage he did. I hope it will happen, but I don't see it happening for a LONG time. Most people just have no idea how much long term damage he did....

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