If you know anyone in education,

you've probably heard how, 'No Child Left Behind' has hurt the system. Bush killed us in many ways, but one of the worst is his program to 'dumb down' the classes and force the teachers to focus on the bottom end of the students instead of the upper and middle, where our future leaders will come from.  AND, he tied funding to it, forcing them to 'teach to the test'. Finally, Obama has reversed some of the idiot Texan's damage, by making some major changes to NCLB. Most people just have NO IDEA how much that clown hurt our country, but now, as we enter the dreaded 'double dip' recession, (from which we never left), maybe some will start to notice just how much he damaged us, in so many ways. If you don't know/notice, you just ain't paying attention.


ladyj said…
when it comes to those great politicians from Texas, nothin' beats a C student, baby. Just ask Dubya and his bud, "Liberty" Perry. Yeah, the dude has Liberty etched on his boot, cowboy that is. Carries a Ruger .380 with laser sights with hollow bullets, jogging in the morning, to shoot
coyotes that may harm his daughter's dog. Hey, don't take the damn dog jogging in the back woods, Ricky.
As Maureen Dowd so well stated,".....the right wing of the party offers the Farrelly brothers Dumb and Dumber primary in which evolution is avant-garde." Notknowingness and the Republican candidates go hand-in-hand. Just makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall.

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