Saw a great documentary,

last night, 'Enron-The Smartest Guys in the Room', about the Texas power transmission company that quadrupled the price of electricity in California, with fraudulent 'rolling blackouts' to justify it, (I was out there working, then) and it's executives were eventually tried, found guilty and setenced to decades in prison. Not only did they rip off California utility customers, but de-frauded their own employees with stock scams and wrecked all their 401k's and pensions. The big boys went to prison, EXCEPT for Ken Lay, who happened to mysteriously die, at his vacation home in Aspen, right before sentencing. There was no autopsy and he was immediately cremated before any officials could identify the body. There have been many 'sightings' of this personal friend of GWBush, whose hundred million dollar fortune was never recovered. Another 'interesting" part of the Enron story was J Clifford Baxter, who had agreed to testify against his executive buddies at Enron, but commited 'suicide' two days before, in a strange and very convenient death that has many unexplained details. Very interesting chain of events in the documentary and subsequent happenings. Gotta love them 'Bush buddies,' who were HUGE contributors to his various campaigns.


Fam Guy said…
Bush, shown with his good buddy Ken Lay, part of the Texas energy mafia, (who continually raped the American consumers) who he affectionately called "Kenny-boy'.
ladyj said…
better than calling him a "a good lay".

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