What GW didn't realize,

or didn't care about, when he started the totally unwinnable war in Afghanistan, 'the graveyard of empires' , is that when you're fighting guerillas on their home soil, like we stupidly did in Viet Nam,
'The home team wins, by not losing and the visitors lose, by not winning.'
Not that W really thought we could win, he just wanted a war. He fell into the trap that Bin Laden had set, getting the US involved, like the Soviets and so many before them, in a quagmire of tribal alliances that went back many centuries, and a people who hated foreigners, especially 'infidels', for good reason. Nice move, George, as we look back, ten years later.


Fam Guy said…
I continually hear that I am fixated on GW. True. That was the emphasis of my blog when I started 6 years ago. Now, it is more true than ever. If you don't realize it, you just ain't payin' attention. NO ONE, in the history of America, has done more to destroy our way of life. If you don't know it, you will, someday, unless youe head is SO FAR up your butt you don't want to recognize what has happened. Make no mistake, there are a bunch of you out there, that are breathing anal fumes...
ladyj said…
One absolute is thus: George W Bush totally delighted in being Commander-in-Chief!
Can you imagine the rush he felt when he landed that plane, helmet in hand, a hero's welcome; "The War Is Won". And here we are, still there! How many deaths later....to millions, he's still a hero and Commander-in Chief! Still has that, "somebody tell me what I'm supposed to do next" look on his face. I just don't get it.

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