God does have a sense of humor

Texas, HQ for climate change doubters, set an all-time US heat record this summer. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44441386/ns/weather/
But Rick Perry, climate change nay-sayer, says about himself, 'they didn't believe Galileo either', which goes to further prove my point about idiots.


Anonymous said…
You sure put up some good pictures.
ladyj said…
Oh, God doesn't look like that. He/She has no appearance. God is Spirit.
Fam Guy said…
So, he/she talks to you when not talking with Perry and Bachmann?
ladyj said…
you think I'm THAT stupid? Perry and Bachmann? Oh please..........
Fam Guy said…
Sorry, sometimes you actually use your brain, AND usually don't pander to a bunch of thumpers.

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