FOX is bitchin'

(what else is new?) about Colorado's legal pot, not only being the downfall of civilization, but also that kids could be poisoned by the 'edible' versions. There have been children who have accidentally been 'dosed' but there have been no problems other than lethargy and a nap.

'Compared with the 14 children who were treated after consuming marijuana, the hospital treated 48 children who had swallowed acetaminophen — the active ingredient in Tylenol — and 32 who had accidentally taken antihistamines during the same time period.'

Again, not ideal, but people gotta remember, even if they don't like the idea of legal pot, that it is bascically harmless, other than a relaxing buzz, which is the purpose of it. It's legal, by democratic vote (and even some Repubs, ha), so get over it....
Not on point, but just read a quote that is SO true.
'The Republican Party is in danger of becoming a man cave of cavemen and the women who can abide them.' HA! That happened long ago, as their idea of masculinity is bullying, and domination over women.


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