I caught a little flack

for my remarks about the Repub icon, Ronald Reagan, so here's some facts the sheep would never hear from FOX.
He raised taxes 11 times, increased govt spending by 57% and TRIPLED the natl debt. And, just to keep it real,under Obama the deficit has been more than cut in half , since he's been in office, in spite of the fact that The Great Recession, from Bush/Repubs, (the worst since The Great Depression), drastically raised govt outlays for unemployment ins, food stamps, etc, and lowered tax revenue significantly. If you believe FOX, as the sheep blindly do, you'd think just the opposite was true. Nothing new here, as everyone is welcome to their own opinion, but NOT their own facts, as the Pubs pretend to be 'fiscally responsible' ONLY when they aren't in charge. Just a bunch of hypocrites....


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