From the same crowd

that gave us (unsuccessful) 'snake handling' last week, Kentuckians are building 'Noah's Ark', at public expense, including a $62 million in municipal bonds.
Josh Rosenau, policy director for the California-based National Center for Science Education, said the ark park is objectionable because it displays "a false account of world history and biology" and presents it "as if it were fact."
The Creation Museum (with displays of people interacting with dinosaurs) about 40 miles from the planned ark park embrace a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis and a belief that the Earth is only 6,000 years old — a view that runs counter to established science. As a result, the organization and its projects have drawn widespread criticism, but ONLY from those who believe in provable science, which disqualifies most Kentuckians, who have one of the lowest education/income rates in the country. The ark should be a great draw for the anti-science crowd who actually believe the entire earth was flooded, although any geologist or geo-physicist (with an actual EDUCATION) says, "No Way'. Such details don't deter the base of the Repub party though, whose theme song should be Pink Floyd's "We Don't Need No Educataion', cuz they know college, and the 'science thing' is just a left wing plot to make them Liberals...


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