Some clouds have silver linings,

even when that cloud is Arizona's display of ignorance/hate. Every time the Conservative Republicans 'make a statement', it exposes them and their agenda to the general public, who thankfully, is moving away from prejudice and bias. Again, the Pubs find themselves on the wrong side of enlightened human thinking and it will only help to hasten their demise. Sure, they may be able to summon their old, shrinking base to the polls, and even win a few more elections, BUT, they are on the wrong side of history as the populace gradually becomes more educated and open to individual freedom. The Pubs, who fought Social Security, Medicare and racial equality now fight gay rights (cuz everyone knows it's a CHOICE we all struggle to make), are against reforming antiquated drug laws that fill our prisons, while advocating tax loopholes for the rich and shoveling more money to a military that is already bloated. Like a Klansman at a NAACP meeting or Phil Robertson at a Gay Pride parade, they are out of place and out of touch, and public opinion has a way of  'outing' them. Not gonna happen overnight, BUT, they are paddling upstream in a river of growing public enlightenment and eventually will be forced to 'sink or swim'. Who knows what they'll do. If the past tells us anything, they'll be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the modern world. But maybe they'll just sink....


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