Again, FOX and the Pubs, (one and the same),

are bitchin', cuz Obama is taking a vacation, which I think would be VERY necessary, to counter all the stress of his 'job'. Nearly all psychologists, etc. agree it is necessary to rejuvenate the senses, occasionally, and there are many mental and physical benefits. Unless you are a Dem, according to the Pubs, whose mantra is "do as we say, not as we do', in all matters, esp fiscal. St Ronald set the modern day record for 'vacation days', aat 349, until the cowboy conman came along and had 490. Obama is nowhere CLOSE to Reagan's numbers, but THAT'S DIFFERENT, according to Bullshit Mountain, as they bitch about EVERYTHING this prez does, including taking a break from the most stressful job in the world. The ONLY thing the Pubs would commend Obama on, is if he would quit, and give the job to a Pub. Short of that, they're gonna bitch about EVERYTHING, until they install one of 'their boys', and we saw what happened last time. Our country couldn't survive another Bush-type disaster. Nothing new here....


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