In the insane world of Repub politics,

and FOX news, Rick Perry is the 'victim', when he cut funds to the Texas Ethics Committee, cuz they were investigating HIM, and he blames the Dems, cuz he says they don't want him to be prez. Are You Kidding? He was indicted by a grand jury, who looked at his corruption. There is (almost) no one the Dems would rather run against than Rick Perry, who 'doesn't have a chance' of winning anything outside of Texas, or a similarly uneducated, backwards Repub stronghold. AS IF, the Dems wouldn't LOVE to run against him, BUT, in Pub world, it's always the Dems who are the bad guys, even when Rick cuts funding for 'ethics complaints', after he's caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Who believes this crap? Oh yeah, the sheep.
This just in: Rick (another Dick), says about his indictment. 'We don't settle things by indictment, in the US', as his Repub buddies 'sue the president'. Who swallows this swill. Oh yeah, the sheep.


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