It's not unusual for someone to laugh at FOXNews,

and their slogan of 'Fair and Balanced', BUT, even the sheep gotta wonder, when:

Republican Senator Tom Coburn called out Fox News during a talk on Wednesday, saying that some of the network's shows are exactly the opposite of what the network claims to be in its "Fair and Balanced" slogan.
“There are certain shows on Fox I can’t watch,” Coburn told audience members at Tulsa Community College in Oklahoma. “Because they’re totally not fair and totally not balanced. What I want is, I want all the information if which I can make the best decision.”

What am I thinking? The sheep don't care about fair, balanced, truth, facts, etc. They only wanna have their biases and fears reinforced, and they know where to go, to get the swill they crave. Bullshit Mountain never disappoints (them). FOXNews. What a joke. Just not funny...


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