
Texas gov Rick Perry(R), didn't want an 'ethics' probe of him and his buddies, in the land of Tom Delay, Bush and Repub 'Big Oil. He (illegally) promised to veto the bill on corruption (Surprise!), unless the District Atty (D) resigned, because of a DWI charge. Typical Texas, Repub, stinking corrupt politics, and now he's screaming 'partisan politics' after he's guilty of the most egregious type.

"The Republican governor is accused of abusing his official powers by publicly promising to veto $7.5 million for the state public integrity unit at the Travis County District Attorney's office. He was indicted by an Austin grand jury Friday."

Wow, how bad do you have to be to be a Pub, indicted in TEXAS? I guess when you as obvious as Perry, with his 'Pay to Play' scam, at taxpayer expense, even Texans can understand.
 BTW, GW became gov and PREZ, after he was busted for DWI. But hey, that's 'Different', in the land of Big Oil, and little education.
This just in: How does FOX report the indictment?
It's a political farce!, and the DNC is already on the attack, much like it was when another potential 2016 GOP White House candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Same old crap from Bullshit MOuntain. Blame the Dems....


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