One of my favorite moments,

was when one of the entertainers was giving a (very good) program on Alaska, with a lot of stories, songs (he played guitar and harmonica) and information. He was explaining how Alaska was very pro-women, as they got the vote 7 years before the rest of the country and he told of several prominent Alaska women and concluded with the story of a young girl who grew up in Skagway, played b-ball etc, became a mayor, and then became the first female VP candidate, as he said, 'You may have heard of...... Sarah PALIN!. Since it was an older (conservative looking) crowd, I was expecting some applause, cheers, etc.
 BUT, it was just SILENCE.
He waited for a while, looked around and said, 'At least you didn't throw stuff at me, like some cruise audiences and every Seattle crowd.'
It was SO nice to see how (most) people realize what an idiot she is, 'cept for the sheep, who don't have a clue....


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