Just when I think,

I can't be shocked anymore by what the right wingnuts say and/or do, some jerkwad like Rush 'OxyCon' Limbaugh comes up with more swill for the sheep, and proves how totally out of touch with humanity he actually is.

Rush Limbaugh seems to think he knows why Robin Williams died in an apparent suicide earlier this week -- and it's because unhappiness is an attitude of the political left.
The leftist attitude is "one of pessimism and darkness, sadness -- they're never happy, are they?"

It's what the Limbaugh's of the world do. Take a situation and make a HUGE sweeping generalization from it, that makes them look good, and their enemies look bad. It's one of the main pillars of FOX News(?), that they rely on, daily, and the sheep eat it up, as it makes them seem superior. Nothing new here, but sad, just the same.
This just in: DOCTOR Keith Ablow, a resident FOX 'X-Spurt', says we shouldn't listen to nutrition advice from Michelle Obama, cuz she needs to 'drop a few' (lbs), and she must be sneaking into the White House kitchen for fries and snacks. As I said, just when I think these jerks can't get any lower, they now have to look UP, to see whale shit.


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