It seems he had a lower G I blockage. Yup, he had the heads of two GOP. congressman firmly lodged up his ass. Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes had their heads temporarily, at least, removed from deep in his colon, BUT, they were still looking WAY DEEP in there for Lindsay Graham. Updates to follow..... Dotard’s people want us to believe he went to the hospital cuz he had some ‘free time’. Oh really? He could have spent it with his kids. HA, not his thing... Or, with his wife, but she hates him, Or, with his friends, but they’re all in jail, SOOOO why not go to the hospital? Does anyone believe a word the Russian backed, LYING asshole says? Other than the gullible, brainwashed, ignorant sheep? Didn’t think so..... Oh, BTW, his colonoscopy was rescheduled, cuz of a major blockage, named Sean Hannity. Updates to follow.....