The Pubs keep repeating two lies, swallowed by the sheep who don’t give a shit.

There are two very big lies that Donald Trump and his sycophants have used, through aggressive, bombastic repetition, to shape the public debate about impeachment, and about Trump’s legitimacy more broadly.
The first big lie is that “the people” elected Trump, and that the constitutional provision of impeachment would invalidate their choice. In fact, Trump is president only because a constitutional provision invalidated the choice of the American people. Trump lost the popular vote and might have lost the Electoral College without Russian interference, and yet many Democrats and pundits have been bullied into accepting the fiction that he has democratic, and not just constitutional, legitimacy.
The second big lie is that Russia didn’t help elect Trump, which is bullshit. Ask ANY of the 17 US Intel agencies who looked at it.
And/or ask his henchmen who are prison for their collusion with Russia, IF you give shit, which the sheep DON’T.


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