Wow, more truth coming from FOX? From Tucker Carlson of all people?

Yup, Tucker said/admitted that ‘Trump is a full blown bullshit artist’, joking Judge Nap, Mike Wallace and others in some Verboten activity at FOX.
Not as if we didn’t KNOW it, beyond the shadow of a doubt, cuz the Russian backed Jackass brags about it in his book, saying ‘First, you tell three LIES, then you have em’, (Oh really?), but only about 2/3 of us think that’s not a great quality in the prez of the US. And I can’t imagine our (former) allies around the world like knowing the US prez is a LYING piece of crap.
His sheep are either so stupid they don’t know or so stupid they don’t care.
Not sure which is worse, BUT, it’s kinda surprising to see more and more truth coming from Bullshit Mountain, where they shovel shit by the truckload and the sheep line up to swallow it.


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