Wow, this is kinda YUUUUGE. Judge Orders Former WH Counsel Don McGahn to Testify Before Congress.

What? You mean Dotard, th Russian backed criminal conman ISNT above the law?
You mean he CANT shoot someone on Fifth Ave and walk away?
You mean all his henchmen and minions have to obey the law?
You mean all the crooks and criminals in the Liar in Chief’s  posse have to obey legal subpoenas?

OMG, that’s REALLY gonna piss off Fat Donny!

He has to OBEY THE LAW?

WTF are the clowns at FOX gonna say?

Stay tuned, this could get interesting.....

BTW, screw the Russian backed (why, you think?) Orange Clown and th gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.


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