One of the VERY FEW qualified commentators at Bullshit Mountain, Judge Napolitano has to be on thin ice at the Repub Propaganda Outlet, for actually reporting the truth to the sheep.
Trump pulled 1,000 American troops out of Syria ignoring a commitment to allies and facilitating war against civilians there; and sent 2,000 American troops to Saudi Arabia without a congressional authorization or declaration of war.
President Donald Trump's threats to ignore parts of the Constitution call his "fitness for office" into question, Fox News' senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano, who has become in recent weeks one of the network's most blunt critics about the president, said Monday.
"He publicly calls people crude names, uses foul language, and sends dog whistles of lawless behavior to many of his supporters,"
Further, Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court judge, commented that Trump has "criminally obstructed" the Department of Justice's Russia investigation and "escaped prosecution because of the intercession of an attorney general more loyal to him than to the Constitution."
Read Newsmax: Napolitano: Trump's 'Fitness for Office' in Question After Actions |