As cops continue to get caught on camera, killIng unarmed Black men, some people take to the streets to protest.

 Others, professional looters and agitators, many paid by Repub ‘Dirty Trickster’ money, are common criminals using the situations to condone their violence.

These criminals are being used by the Trumpies, and headlined by FOXNews, as ‘Typical Democrats’, and if Biden is elected, will soon be in your neighborhood, burning down your house.

Better get automatic weapons and get ready save your property, like the HERO gunslingers tha are speaking at the RNC tonight.

Does anyone have any doubt that MANY of the looters aren’t PAID Repub agitators?’

If so, you don’t have a clue how the dirty tricksters operate, when Dotard needs SOMEONE/SOMETHING to fade the heat from his incompetence.


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