Look out Joe, you’re about to get Swift-Boated.

 Back in 1999, I knew John Kerry was in trouble when I saw the Swift Boat ad. It was all LIES, showing professional LIARS, portraying actual Swift Boat captains from the Viet Nam era, and they trashed John Kerry, saying he shot a young Vietnamese in the back, and he was unliked and incompetent. All LIES, but convincing.

All LIES, but very effective. And now the same people are being mobilized to help the Liar in Chief. It’s how they work and how they win. 

Same old shit. Flood the airwaves with money and LIES. And the ignorant, uninformed masses, the Pub base, will fall for it.

Let’s just hope people have smartened up a bit since 1999. Ha ha ha....

Preserve America will be overseen by Chris LaCivita, a veteran Republican strategist who orchestrated the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth takedown of John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race.


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