I haven’t heard Dotard speak to the sheep at the RNC, and I’m not gonna, BUT, I can tell you what he, and his minions are gonna say.

 They aren’t gonna say what a great, moral guy the Liar in Chief is, cuz everyone knows that’s not true.

They WILL claim, however, that the Dems are worse, cuz they Hate God and love the looters that are burning the cities. The clowns will claim Dotard has done a great job, as the economy, and 180,000 dead Americans have paid the price of his incompetence. But, half the Pubs think that many deaths ‘isn’t that bad’.

They’ll ignore tens of millions who have lost their jobs, dreams and soon to be their homes, thanks to Dotard ignoring COVID until it was too late.

They’ll ignore the clowns in his Cabinet, or those who are gone that called him a ‘Fucking Idiot’. And the claims of his niece and sister, who claim he has NO MORALS.

They’ll appeal to the same crowd that thinks being gay is a choice and climate change is a hoax. Oh, and that whole Russian Thing was another hoax, though ALL the US Intel agencies say it wasn’t.

They’ll ignore all the Trumpies who are in prison  and/or under indictment.

They’ll say Impeachment was a hoax, even though they wouldn’t allow any witnesses or documents.

They’ll claim Dotard created the economy that he merely inherited, before he wrecked it.

They’ll ignore how the US has tanked in world opinion as the jackass has alienated all our former allies, while cozying up o the dictators of the world.

They’ll ignore how the asshole has hidden his taxes and his real estate financing after his many bankruptcies when US financiers wouldn’t touch him. But Russia did.

The jerk will claim that the election is gonna be STOLEN by mail in voting. Acting like ONLY DEMS would cheat, all in a plan to NOT LEAVE when he’s voted out.

I could go on and on, but WHY?

You either know him and hate him, or you don’t give a shit what he’s like, cuz you KNOW, from FOX, how terrible Dems are. It’s called ignorance.


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