The rightwingnutjobs are defending the 17 year old, vigilante-wanna-be Kenosha shooter, and sending loads of cash,

 who was playing sheriff with his new assault rifle. The jerks(R) make it seems like he was attacked by rioters and he had to defend himself.


The jerk had already killed someone (and bragged about it on a cellphone call) and was being chased by the crowd who witnessed it when he fell. A couple of unarmed, (except for a skateboard), protesters tried to disarm him and he seriously wounded one and killed the other, a volunteer medic with two kids.

If you listen to the Asshole in Chief, (who LOVES all the violence he can exploit) he was attacked, (for no reason?), and had to defend himself. Typical bullshit from the Liar in Chief to the gullible, ignorant sheep who swallow whatever crap he shovels to them. They don’t give a shit about the black guy who was hot in the back, seven times, in front of his kids.  The official cop story is that he was trying to steal a car (with his kids there?) and was brandishing a knife (bullshit, it was under the floor mat), and they shot him in self defense. 

Don’t these lying jerks realize there is video and witnesses?

BUT, it gives the rightwingnuts something to swallow, instead of the truth, as all good Repubs LOVE to do.

Same old shit.


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