I know I’ve already mentioned it, but I can’t get over it.

 When nominated for the #1 job in the world, the dumbass said, ‘I profoundly accept’.

OMG! The dumbshit doesn’t even know the language, just like he doesn’t know SO much.

Yup, he really does know the best words, just like he’s a stable genius, and has a large ‘abrain’.

OR, can’t the jackass read, when the teleprompter said ‘I proudly accept’.

But the ignorant sheep love him, and probably didn’t even notice, cuz they ain’t known for their smarts...

Maybe there really IS a Hell, and I’m in it.

Someone with a functioning brain, watching a Russian backed, LYING conman, with a third grade vocabulary (sorry, third graders), kissing up to the FOX-led Bible Belters, as president of the US.

Yup, I’m in Hell.....


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