On the national news we see the YUUUGE damage from the CA fires

 And they are so bad they don’t even show the Colorado fires, which are now the largest in the state’s history. And we aren’t even in prime fire season yet.

I just wonder what the lame ass Pubs are saying about Climate Change and Global Warming as we are seeing exactly what the scientists warned us about.

Record high temps, here in Colorado and across the west. Record droughts, as the Colorado River can’t fill the reservoirs, BUT, the dumbass, anti-science Pubs won’t admit to what anyone with a functioning brain can see. FOXSheep obviously excluded.

 I-70, the main east west artery through the state is closed for the second week as record wildfires explode across the state, fueled by record temps and record drought, just as we were told would happen. And it’s only gonna get worse, as the current leaders ignore the problem, adding it their list of ‘hoaxes’, like Dotard’s Russian help and COVID19.

Never mind, if I gotta explain Climate Change, your head is way too deep in your ass to understand, so go ahead and wear your MAGA hat, vote Repub and refuse to acknowledge one of the biggest  problems facing us today.

But Dotard is still NUMBER ONE! When it comes to world leaders whose people DIED, while he golfed.


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