I Often wonder WHY do I spend time on these posts, putting the FACTS out, and spending time relaying articles which show how bad Dotard is screwing us all, in SO many ways.

 The main reason is I feel I have to do SOMETHING, as the Russian backed, LYING conman continues, with the help of Bullshit Mountain, to steal the souls of our once-great country.

I have lots of readers, in the US and around the world, and I feel a responsibility to be a source of truth, in a world where the LIES of FOX, or other sources of propaganda, are all that some people see/hear.

If I had made the decision to get my ‘news’ from Rush and Sean I’d hate Biden and the Dems too. 

But I didn’t, cuz I know FOX is nothing more than Repub Propaganda, disguised as news, with a glitzy format and a bunch of blonde bimbos as eye candy.

Anyway, that’s why I bang away here, cuz I want to be a buffer for all the CRAP spewed by Dotard and FOX. It’s my only way of ‘fighting back’ against fake news and the Pathological Liar in the White House who doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and will do ANYTHING to be re-elected, by the people who don’t now, or don’t CARE about his constant LIES.......


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