We record the late night shows, and watch them the next day, as in Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Seth Myers (the funniest), James Corbin, Trevor Noah, plus John Oliver and SNL etc.

 As I laugh at all of them making fun of the Orange Clown, and all his foibles and LIES, I wonder what the FOXSheep watch.

Reruns of Rush and Sean?

What do those morons do for late night laughs, other than listening to Dotard’s Dr, saying he’s 239 lbs, or listening to Lindsay Graham saying, ‘Hold my words against me’.

I’d try to explain irony and comedy to the moronic minions, but it’s pretty complicated for the double digit IQ crowd, cuz they don’t really understand much.

Seriously, what do you gullible, ignorant sheep watch at night, while the rest of us are laughing our asses off at he Russian backed, LYING, pussy grabbing, orange conman?


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