Just saw what we’re up against, and it’s scary

 Stephen Colbert had an elaborate setup, where they took six volunteers, all Trump supporters, to look at some new Trump commercials (all fake) and give their opinions., as a focus group.

They showed these morons some outrageous political ads, using Trump’s fake voice, narrating ideas like we’re going to electrify all statues with 100,000 volts, so if anyone tries to tear them down, they’ll be electrocuted. Too bad about birds Putting off the election until 2022 or maybe 2024, putting people (Mexicans and/or prisoners) into human sized microwaves, for twenty seconds or so, to see if it killed COVID19. Another ad had Trump saying we should use children, cuz they can’t get the virus, as workers, such as clerks, firemen, meat packers, delivery drivers, etc. and many other REALLY STUPID ads. The idiot did agree six year olds shouldn’t be meat packers, but maybe twelve year olds.

Other than that, the morons(R) agreed with ALL of them. ‘I love him cuz he says whatever’s on his mind, Some of it’s stupid, but I’ll vote for him anyway.‘

They were all for a fake vaccine, with outrageous side effects like lethal diarrhea, if it helped him be elected.

This is what we’re up against. There’s NOTHING that Dotard could do to have these idiots say, ‘That’s TOO MUCH’.

They don’t care.....


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