Did you know that Joe Biden is ‘deeply, cognitively impaired?’ Well, then, you haven’t been listening to

 Sean Hannity, and the bullshit he slings to the sheep.

This ‘cognitive impairment’, was PROVEN by Joe’s trip and fall on the airplane stairway.

Maybe it was from his broken foot, and an effort to hustle up the ramp?

Nope, cognitive impairment, according to Sean and propaganda network he shills for.

The good news? FOXLies, and other ‘news’ outlets viewership is way down, cuz we aren’t checking in every day to see WTF the Russian backed, whore-hopping, Pathological LIAR did/said today.

BUT, according to the clowns at FOX, it’s just CNN and MSNBC whose viewership is down, cuz, ‘they don’t have presidential Fake News’ to make up.

Oh, you mean fake news like a Stolen Election, and Fraudulent Voting Machines, and ‘Find me 12,779 VOTES in GA’, and Come to DC on Jan 6, for a Wild Time, and Dotard getting a vaccine ‘In Secret’ as his idiot sheep followers DON”T get one, cuz he didn’t?

That kind of Fake News?

What a bunch of morons, but, nothing new here.....


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