Remember when we were constantly bombarded by Dotard and his minions, like FOX, the My Pillow guy.

 TV evangelists, Sidney Powell and MOST Republicans about all the information, and PROOF, that was gonna come out about the Stolen Election? The PROOF about the fraudulent voting machines, and the algorithms they used to reassign votes? All the illegal votes and voters?

Well, like most Pub lies, it was all bullshit.

Dotard LOST. Period. BUT, that didn’t stop him from fleecing the sheep, AGAIN, with pleas for money to Stop the Steal, and the morons(R) responded, with hundreds of millions, that immediately went into the Orange Clown’s pockets. 

Nothing new here, about Pub lies and gullible sheep, but another good example of how ‘the other half lives’, and the crap they put up with and swallow as fact, cuz ‘they can’t handle the truth.’

Face it morons, your boy LOST, cuz Joe got more votes. And the majority was fed up with a LYING conman, supported by Russia, whose incompetence killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS, although that was NOTHING, compared to four Americans in BENGHAZI!



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