Here they go again. THe party that has won ONE popular vote in the last 32 years is trying to rig the elections in their favor AGAIN.

 Dems outnumber Pubs by over 42 million in the country, but cuz of the Senate, where Wyoming has the same number of votes as New York or California, (think about it), SO, they get WAY more power in Washington, which sucks. It’s how we get an asshole like Dotard getting his LIES pushed down all of our throats and how McTurtleface still has veto power.

Now, the jerks(R) are plotting ways to steal the next election. NO, not like Dotard had the election stolen, which is TOTAL bullshit, but by passing anti-voter legislation throughout the country. 

Their motto? If you can’t win fair, CHEAT! There has been ZERO evidence of voter fraud through mail in ballots, but the slimeballs are trying their best to kill it, cuz they know that ‘the more people vote, the less chance they have.’


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