Colorado rep Lauren Boebert(R) had an op-ed in the Denver Post, supporting Dotard’s wall, that read like it had been written by an under achieving 4th grader.

 Here is some of the response. BTW, Lauren, a high school dropout, won the hearts of western slope Pubs, cuz she, and all employees in her restaurant, Shooters’, all wore six-shooters, loaded, on their hips.

Yahoo! Sounds like Congressional material right? IF you are a gullible, ignorant FOXMoron that is.

Letters to the Editor Boebert’s take is all wrong

Re: “Let me draw your attention to the crisis at our southern border,” May 14 guest commentary It is as painful to read Boebert’s essay as it must have been to publish it. The duty to free speech and the duty to truth have never been so obviously in conflict. This tortured piece of infantile writing is useful only to show the extent to which lies and innuendo populate her thought.

Charles Tinnell, Denver

The organization Boebert cites (FAIR) for her data regarding the economic cost of immigration has been classified as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Also, Venezuela is not located in Central America.

Colin Callahan, Denver

I read Lauren Boebert’s “commentary” with a mixture of amusement, horror, and disgust.

Amusement because it was written so unprofessionally and was filled with middle- school snark and insulting distortions.


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